Sunday 20 July 2008

Dagur/Day 15&16 - BH to Trangie to Sydney

Jæja, þá erum við loksins komin heim. Búið að tæma bílin og byrjuð að búa okkur undir næstu viku. Allir fara á fullt að vinna og læra. Ferðin frá Broken Hill til Trangie var löng og leiðinleg, þar sem við villdum ekki stoppa. Vegurin er nánast endalaus. Við komum til Trangie vel fyrir myrkur og gátum tjaldað án þess að bögglast í myrkri. Þetta var í fyrsta sinn sem við tjöduðum á grasi. Var það ágæt tilbreyting. Chris skrapp út í búð eftir frönskum, sem við síðan kýldum í okkur með steikinni sem við grilluðum. Síðan var skálað í síðasta skipti og horft á annað fallegt sólarlag. Við vöknuðum snemma dagin eftir og ákváðum að fá okkur morgunverð í McDonalds á leiðinni í bæinn. Það vill til að maður fer ekki nema einu sinn á ári í McDonalds. Alltaf frekar dapur matur, en fljótlegt. Við brunuðum svo til Sydney og komum heim núna um 3 leytið á Sunnudags eftirmiðdegi. Kötturin var ánægður að sjá okkur og heimtaði mat á diskana sína að venju. Allt losað úr bíllnum og núna verið að slappa af. Við tókum náttúrulega slatta af myndum og ég tók vídeó, þannig að það kemur til með að taka smá tíma að vinna úr þessu öllu saman. Þetta var frábær ferð í alla staði. Bíllin stóð sig vel og gekk eins og klukka allan tíman. Núna er bara að skipuleggja næstu ferð.

(English) Finally back home. The trip from BH to Trangie was a long never ending drive. The road just goes on and on. We arrived in Trangie early enough to camp in daylight. This was the last time we would be putting up the tent. Yes, we did find Jordies mobile when the tent was up. It was in one of the pockets. This was the first time we camped on a real grass lawn. In all the other caravan sites, they always told us to go to number xyz and camp on the lawn. Well, none of these sites had a single blade of grass on them, except for Port Augusta, who had a couple. Thus we always camped on sandy ground. Thankfully it never rained, so we didn´t get bogged down in dirt. The caravan park in Trangie has a real lawn with real grass. Chris offered to go and get chips to have with the steaks. Thus our last bbq of the trip consisted of steaks and chips. We watched another great sunset and after dinner we went off to bed. Someone in the neighbourhood had a party going, because they were still going until about 2am. We could hear their taste of music and were thankful that we hadn't been invited, if that was anything to go by. Early up this morning and packed and ready to go after 8am. We decided to have the last breakkie at McDonalds in Dubbo, as everyone was keen to get back home. Needless to say, one trip a year to McDonalds is one trip too many. It was a bit busy, but this time around they only bungled up an order for coffee for a customer who was in front of me in the queu. Thus I had to wait while they sorted it out. I could see they had the tea machine operational so they could offer boiled water. We got back to Sydney around 3pm and parted with the Anderson on old Windsor Road. The cat was very happy to see us and immediately demanded food on it's plates. All the stuff is out of the car. This trip has been a wonderful experience. We are already planning the next one.

Dagur/Day 14 - Broken Hill

See English below..

Jæja, vid byrjuðum dagin á því að fórna svíni og hænu eggjum á grillinu. Það var sameignlegur morgunverður fyrir framan tjaldið hjá okkur í blanka logni. Lægðin sem blés á okkur kvöldið áður var greinilega með slæma timburmenn, því lognið hélst mest allan dagin. Við réðum ráðum okkar yfir morgunmatnum og var ákveðið að fara fyrst til Silverton, sem er um 30km fyrir utan Broken Hill. Silverton er lítill sætur bær sem var stofnsettur 1885 þegar þar í grend fannst silfur. Staðurin óx upp í fleiri þúsund, en lognaðist útaf þegar fannst miklu meira silfur í Broken Hill. Allir fluttu sig þangað. Í dag eru bara nokkrar hræður á staðnum og byggjist þeirra viðurvera á túrisma. Silverton er einna frægastur í dag fyrir að vera staður þar sem bíómyndir eru gerðar. Þarna hafa þeir filmað stórmyndir eins og 'Town Like Alice' og Mad Max myndir. Einnig urmull af auglýsingum. Við skelltum okkur auðvitað beint á pöbbin og fengum okkur bjór. Við stöldruðumst aðeins fyrir utan og kíktum á bílin sem var notaður í Mad Max II myndinni. Við renndum svo af stað aftur til Broken Hill. Á leiðinni var stoppað í fallegum garði sem tilheyrir Silverton og borðað hádegismat. Þegar við komum aftur til Broken Hill, þá fórum við upp á hæðina sem þar er fyrir ofan. Hún er byggð upp af grjóti og sandi sem er búið að grafa út í leit að silfri og kopar. Efst á hæðinni er búið að reisa mikið minnismerki um námamenn sem hafa dáið í slysum frá því námavinnsla hófst á staðnum. Við skoðuðum það og var einna athygliverðast að sjá úr hverju þessir námumenn dóu. Á skildinum er nafn, aldur og af hverju þeir dóu. Sumir dóu á frekar óhuggulegan hátt. Flestir fram til 1930 deyja af allskonar slysavöldum eins og sjá má. Eftir það virðast flestir deyja úr hjartaáfalli. Við sáum einn sem hét líka Anderson. Virðist ekki hafa verið skyldur Chris eða hans fjölsdkyldu. Við fórum svo frá þessum stað og reyndum að finna stað sem heitir 'The Living Desert'. Leiðbeiningarskilltin á staðin í Broken Hill eru svo fá að það tók okkur smá tíma að átta okkur á því að þessi staður er um 10 km fjarlægð frá Broken Hill. Við brunuðum á staðin, enda klukkan orðin áliðið og sólin alveg að setjast. Kom þá í ljós að til að keyra að þessum listaverkum, þá verður maður að fá lykil í Information. Hægt var að keyra og leggja bílnum og labba á staðin, en þá vorum við búin að missa sólina. Við enduðum barra á því að keyra til baka. Fylltum tankana fyrir morgundagin og Sibba eldaði pasta fyrir okkur. Sólarlagið var alveg frábært um kvöldið, því skýin voru í stuði. Við fórum svo snemma að sofa til að vera klár í aksturin til Trangie dagin eftir.

(English) I've managed to wrestle control from Linda, who felt the urge to write up her version of the previous day. I think it was triggered by her purchasing the complete reference library for the English language at the caravan office and having read it a few hours later. For some reason, the caravan office has a selection of reference books available for bookworm addicts like Linda. We began the morning with breakfast fried on the barbie. We all sat outside our tent and gobbled up the delicious bacon and eggs, whilst plotting our movements for the day. The wind from the previous night had completely abated and had thankfully gone somewhere else for the day. We began by going out to Silverton, which is only about 30k out of Broken Hill. It's an old silver mining town that was established in 1885, after finding silver in the surrounding hills. It quickly grew to several thousand in population, until everyone suddenly moved to Broken Hill due to much more silver and copper being found. Today it only has a few residents that subside on tourism. The town is mostly known for all the movies that have been filmed there on location. We couldn't resist posing with the car used in Mad Max II in front of the Silverton pub. We of course went inside and had the compulsary xxxx drinks. After having looked around town and inspected just about every tourist trap (without buying much) we settled in a nearby park to have our lunch. We then went back to Broken Hill and went up to the big mining mound, whereby they have built a miners memorial. The view from there over Broken Hill was very good. We went to have a look at the memorial. It details the name, age and reason for death for every miner that has died in the nearby mines, dating from the earliest times. It was interesting to see that most of the early causes of death were quite gruesome, whereas the more recent ones were mostly from heart attacks. We even found an Anderson, no relation. As it was late in the day, we decided to run out to the "Living Desert", whereby they have pieces of art on display. We had noticed a brown directional sign during our trips back and forth through the city center. Of course, now that we needed to find it we couldn't. After driving around we finally managed to work out the direction and realized that it is about 10k out of town. We quickly drove out to the place, only to find out that in order to drive up to the art pieces, we had to get a key from the information desk back in Broken Hill. We then noticed that you could drive further and park the car and walk. We headed that way, but then realized it was quite a walk and it was getting very late. We gave up and headed back to BH to re-fuel the cars. Back at the caravan park we watched a fantastic sunset. The cloudscape lent itself to a great display of colors. The vikings then invaded the Anderson cabin and cooked some pasta, before heading off to an early night, so we could be fresh for the long drive to Trangie.

Thursday 17 July 2008

Dagur/Day 13 - Port Augusta to Broken Hill

Linda's version of events: This will be written in english. For you icelanders, there is always the English/Icleandic dictionary.. Dad's alarm went off at a ridiculous hour of the morning. I tried to resist the tyrannical decision made to wake up, but got a lamp light shined directly into my eyes, making further sleep rather difficult. The tent and car were packed up with our usual efficiency (meaning it only took about an hour and half, including the time it took to take everything out of the back seat of the car again to search for some connection thingy for dad's computer). Finally loaded up, we went to check on Chris, Cathy and Jordan, who had spent the previous night in a cabin. They weren't quite ready yet, as apparantly Jordy, like myself, rebelled against the idea of waking up before sunrise. So, the viking trio headed off to get fuel. Diesel for the car, and tea for Mum. Dad got the brilliant idea of going through the drive-thru at MacDonalds for some tea. After waiting for a while at the pick-up window, and wasting some of that newly acquired diesel, we were informed by a flustered employee that we couldn't have any tea, as a mysterious "someone" had left the tea machine on the clean cycle. Apparently they don't know how to boil hot water at MacDonalds without their gizmos and procedures. Thankfully, the family was contented with hash browns instead. A crackle on the radio announced that the Andersons were on their way, so we all zoomed out of Port Augusta. The following 420kms were fairly uneventful. We listened to a segment on ABC radio about travel writing, and how the true travel books are becoming superfluous with the increase of travel blogs on the internet (particularly ironic...). It was a very windy day. We were almost blown away whenever we stopped, which was only for food and to get rid of all that eaten food (i.e. lunch and toilet stops). Morning tea was spent in Peterborough, and we went into the information centre there, which was a converted rail car from 1917. Chris bought a magnet there, whic wasn't all that magnetic as it fell off his fridge straight away. Lunch was spent in some unremarkable town with a name beginning with 'O'..... can't quite remember the rest... oh, Olary. It had a pub/hotel for sale, if anyone is interested. If you do decide to buy it, I'll take my commision in the form of free grog and accomodation. Opposite the Pub on the other side of the road was a dismantled Telstra pay phone. Apparently it had stopped working some time in the distant past. The guy fixing it took the payphone out of the booth and dismembered it on one of the two tables in the Olary park. Once we had finished our lunch, Dad spoke to the guy doing the work. It turned out that the phone was fine, but the line was broken somewhere up stream to the next town so he was off to Broken Hill to report it so someone else who can fix a bad connection so that they could be scheduled to go and fix it. Who says Telstra isn't repsonsive! Nothing exciting for the rest of the drive, except a couple of grazing emus, which meant a screeching of brakes and a whipping out the cameras. We got into Broken Hill around 3pm, headed straight for the caravan park and set up our tent in gale force winds. Lucky Chris and Cathy have a cabin (complete with funny plasticy smell, don't ask me what died in there - a Barbie doll was probably brutally murdered and then buried under the floor). Rather quiet afternoon spent relaxing, and I have acquired a complete dictionaty reference collection for a decent price, all without leaving the caravan park. Chris and Cathy went out shopping for foodstuff and a pillow, as Jordan apparantly left his pillow behind in Port Augusta. Jordy seems intent on leaving a trail of his possessions behind through all of central Australia, as his binoculars remain on top of a mountain somewhere in Kings canyon, and his mobile has gone AWOL. It is thought that the mobile is in their tent... which has been packed into a little tiny bag. I suppose we shall find out if Jordan still has a phone in Trangie, when the tent is unpacked for our last camp-out. We just had hot dogs for dinner, and are planning on going to Chris and Cathy's cabin for dessert. Cathy promised chocolate mousse!

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Dagur/Day 12 - Coober Pedy to Port Augusta

Vid komum til Coober Pedy um sjo leytid og fundum motelid fljotlega. Thetta hotel er allt inni namu sem hefur verid holud ut ur hol. Thetta er allt gert ur holudum sandsteini thannig ad veggirnir eru allir heilir. Mjog ahugavert ad sofa i thessum herbergjum. Vid fengum okkur kvoldmat a Griskum veitingastad og var hann agaetur. Um morguninn fengum vid okkur morgunverd a motelinu. Morgunverdur var i helli a naestu haed fyrir nedan herbergin. Vid forum svo af stad og skodudum alvoru opal namu og safn. Thar fengum vid ad leyta ad opal steinum og eiga thad sem madur finnur. Linda fann stein med opal litum og er mjog anaegd med sig. Vid fylltum tankana og forum svo afstad til Port Augusta. Komum hingad rett fyrir sex og erum buin ad koma okkur fyrir. Erum ad fa okkur ad borda og forum svo snemma ad sofa. A morgun forum vid afram til Broken Hill.
(English) We arrived at Coober Pedy around seven. Chris had called the Motel in advance to warn them that we would arrive later. We found it with the help of the GPS, as it was already dark. From the outside it didn't look much, just a front at the bottom of a steep hill. Once inside, we realised that the whole motel was cut out of sandstone as it had been an opal mine. The temperature was constant, but it was interesting to see how they had resolved issues such as plubming etc. We went and found a Greek restaurant and had a mixed Greek grill. The food was surprisingly fine for such an outback location. We then went back to the motel whereby I updated the blog before going to bed. In the morning we had breakfast in the Motel in one of the underground chambers. We then checked out and went to a nearby mining museum. We donned our hard hats and crawled through it, looking at how Opals are made and even saw a few priceless seams in the sandstone. Once done we tanked up and left for Port Augusta. On the way we met a number of road trains carrying houses. A couple were so big, they had a police car in front to force every car coming opposite off the road. We arrived at the camping site just before dark. We set up camp and the Anderson checked into a cabin. We are now in their cabin having dinner. This place has wireless internet, thus this update. Tomorrow we head out to Broken Hill.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Dagur 11 - Kings Canyon 2 Coober Pedy

Vid voknudum snemma og forum af stad um half atta. Vid keyrdum aleidis til Stuart Highway. A ledinni stoppudum vid og skodudum Henbury meteor gigana. Thadan komumst vid a Stuart Highway og sidan var bara brunad nidur i att ad Coober Pedy. Thad er nanast engin byggd vid thenna highway og mikid um ad dyr seu drepin thegar thau alpast fyrir bilana. Thad thydir ad a reglulegu bili eru dyra hrae vid vegin. Thar voru oftast ernir og adrir fuglar ad naera sig. Vid stoppudum einnig a landamaeru SA og NT. Thar er huggulegir bekkir og thesshattar. Eg var alveg eydilagdur ad vid vaerum ad fara fra NT og reyndi ad klifra yfir aftur en komst ekki neitt. Vid komum svo til Coober Pedy um sjo leytid. Her erum vid i hoteli sem er allt nedanjardar i gamalli opal namu. Vid forum ut ad borda a Griskan veitingastad. Herna komst eg i netid til ad uppfaera thessa sidu. A morgun verdur haldi afram og ekki keyrt nema i rumlega 500km til Port Augusta.

(English) We woke up early to get a good start on the long drive today to Coober Pedy. We left KC before nine. We then took the Ernest Giles gravel road shortcut that goes via the Henbury metorite craters to the Stuart Highway. The craters are quite interesting to look at, small enough to get a good overview, but big enough to fire the imagination as to the massive explosion that took place 4,000 years ago when the fragments collided with earth. Once on the Stuart Highway it was a straight through drive to CP. On the way we noticed the usuall carcasses after the overnight road kills. The ravens where joined by Eagles in the food parties. On occasions we saw more than one of them having a nibble. We also saw a couple of Eagles flattened out after having become a road kill themselvs. On the border of NT and SA we had our lunch break. I was pretty disapointed this is all coming to an end, so I tried to go back to NT, but was talked out of it!. We arrived in CP around 7pm. We are staying in an underground motel that is using an old opal mine for all it's rooms. Quite interesting I must say. We haven't found any Opals in our rooms yet though! We just got back from a Greek restaurant and me and Chris hit the Internet to catch up on emails and me updating this blog. Then it's off to sleep and another long drive to Port Augusta.

Dagur 10 - Kings Canyon

Va, svaka stadur.. Forum allan hringin med ollum auka skotum. Tok okkur um 4 tima. KC er otrulegur stadur. Komum aftur til baka a tjaldsvaedid vel eftir hadegi. Allir vel threittir en mjog anegdir med gonguna. Vid heldum i endan ad thetta myndi aldrey taka enda, en sem betur fer komumst vid aftur upp a bilastaedid. Gangan var i thad heila um 7,5km. Um kvoldid var grillad aftur og slappad af. Dingoarnir komu aftur og i thetta sinn reyndu their ad bregda ser inn tjaldid hja Anderson. Sem betur fer var thad lokad og theim tokst ekki ad hafa a burt med ser bjorin hans Chris. Vid forum snemma ad sofa til ad vera klar i langan akstur til Coober Pedy.

(English) Dagur = Day... See earlier post with the day schedule..
Today we went on the rim walk around the Kings Canyon. We also took the extra legs, like the Garden of Eden. This place is a sight to behold. It's amazing for a 400+ million year old!. We got back to the car park after having spent four hours walking about 7,5km. We went back to the campsite and everyone was pretty tired, but happy with the day. We had another BBQ and as night fell the Dingos came out again. For the second night in row, they tried to enter the Andersons tent (See picture above.) Like the previous night, it was closed, so Chris and Kathy's beer and wine were safed, once again! The photo isn't good, because it's very hard to take a picture of the Dingos as the roam around the campers in the dark. One can easily understand the Chamberlains in their dillema as they lost their baby to them. We went to bed early in order to have an early start for the long drive to Coober Pedy the following day.

Dagur 9 - Ayers 2 Kings Canyon-Update

Eftir fallega solaruppras var pakkad saman og haldid af stad til Kings Canyon. Andersons foru eldsnemma af stad i thyrluflug til ad sja solarupprasina fra 2000 feta haed ur thyrlu. Thau komu aftur eftir thad og svo var drifid i thvi ad leggja af stad.

Komum sidegis a tjaldsvaedid og hofdum godan tima i birtu til ad tjalda. Sloppudum bara af og grilludum godan mat. Thegar myrkrid kom, tha komu slatti af villtum Dingo hundum i leit ad mat. Their eru akaflega klarir og ganga um allt, en passa sig ad hlaupa ef einhver nalgast. Vid forum snemma ad sofa til ad vera klar i gonguna dagin eftir i KC.

After a beutiful sunrise we made ready to pack and start our journey to KC. The Andersons took the sunrise helicopter ride. The saw the sunrise over the rock and olgas from about 2000 feet. Quite spectacular. They were by themselves in a single helicopter. According to kathy one of the other two had one of the Wiggles and his family. From us on the ground, we couldn't see that helicopter wiggle anymore than the others though! Once they got back to earth! we got ready and left for KC.

We arrived early afternoon at the KC campsite, which gave us a good time to set up the tents and relax. We had a great bbq meal and as the darkness fell, the wild Dingos came out to hunt for food. They are very clever and go everywhere around the camp site looking for peoples scraps and dinners. We ended up early in bed to prepare for the walk the following day in KC.

Sunday 13 July 2008

Dagur-9 Ayers Rock

Erum buin ad pakka og erum ad leggja ian til Kings Canyon.
Packed and ready to go to KC.
The Andersons took a magnificent sunrise helicopter ride earier in the morning.

Saturday 12 July 2008

Dagur-7 Ayers Rock

Hofum att frabaeran dag og skodad Ularu i frabaeru vedri. Endudum dagin a thvi ad horfa a solsetrid thar sem thad rann af Ularu.
Looked at Ularu today from every possible angle.
Watched a fantastic sunset.

Thursday 10 July 2008

Dagur-6 Ayers Rock

Komin til Uluru. Myndin fra ferd okkar um painted desert.
Erum buin ad tjalda og grilla piparsteik. Forum ad skoda uluru og nagrenni a morgun.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Dagur - 5 Oodnadatta

Vid Linda sitjum her vid hin eina internet desk i thorpinu. Hofum ekki verid i neinu simasambandi sidan i Roxby Downs til ad senda uppfaerslu. Ferdin fra Roxby Downs til Oodnadatta var alveg frabaer. Glampandi solskin og rumlega 20 stiga hiti. Stoppudum a nokkrum stodum ad taka myndir af fraegum natturu stodum. Vid komum ad sjalfsogdu vid i William Creek og fengum okkur iskaldan bjor eins og allir gera thar. Vid komum svo seint um kvoldid hingad. Vid tjoldudum en Chris og co foru a hotelid i herbergi. Vid forum svo aftur af stad i morgun og keyrdum um 300km hring um thad sem kallad er Painted Desert. Thetta er otrulegt landslag med marglitum holum og hlidum. Minnir dalitid a Landmannalaugar. Dagurin i dag var eins og i gaer, 20 stiga hiti og glampandi solskin. Vid forum svo i fyrra malid til Ayers Rock. Keyrum hedan til Marla og thadan up Sturt highway til Ayers Rock. Vonandi get eg sent mynd thadan ef thad er simasamband. Thratt fyrir hita a dagin, tha er kallt a kvoldin um leid og solin fer. Hitin fer tho ekki nema nidur i fjorar gradur. Vid getum alveg tholad thad og notum bara afengan frostlog til ad verja okkur!

Monday 7 July 2008

Dagur 3 - Roxby Downs

Tjaldad i agaetu vedri og aetlum ad hafa bbq i matin med godu raudvini!

Dagur 3 - Petetrborough

Komum i gaerkveldi i grenjandi rigningu.
Gistum i bustad. Erum ad leggja iann til Port Augusta

Sunday 6 July 2008

Dagur 2 - Broken Hill

Stoppad i hadegismat eftir langan akstur

Dagur 2

Morgunmatur i Cobar. Nu tharf bara ad pakka saman og leggja af stad til Peterborough.
Thetta er einn leidilegasti hluti ferdarinnar, thvi vegurinn er bein lina alla leid.

Saturday 5 July 2008

Dagur 1

Tjaldad og sest ad snaedingi i cobar
Fyrsta nottin og stjornurnar dansa um himininn

Dagur 1

Stoppad i mudgee i morgunkaffi


Trodid i bilin a sidustu stundu

Friday 4 July 2008

Sumarfrí Júlí 2008

Jæja, þá erum við að skella okkur í sumarfrí. Við höfum verið að undirbúa ferð til Ayers Rock og Kings Canyon undanfarin mánuð. Hugmyndin er að keyra þangað á nýja jeppanum. Myndin sýnir leiðina sem við áætlum að fara. Við komum með að keyra um 6,000 kílómetra í þessari ferð. Ferðaáfangar verða eftirfarandi:
  • Dagur 1 - Sydney til Cobar - 677km
  • Dagur 2 - Cobar til Peterborough - 737km
  • Dagur 3 - Peterbourough til Roxby Downs - 384km
  • Dagur 4 - Roxby Downs til Oodnadatta - 457km
  • Dagur 5 - Oodnadatta
  • Dagur 6 - Oodnadatta til Ayers Rock - 704km
  • Dagur 7 - Ayers Rock/Olgas
  • Dagur 8 - Ayers Rock/Olgas
  • Dagur 9 - Ayers Rock til Kings Canyon - 301km
  • Dagur 10 - Kings Canyon
  • Dagur 11 - Kings Canyon til Coober Pedy - 745km
  • Dagur 12 - Coober Pedy til Port Augusta - 537km
  • Dagur 13 - Port Augusta - Broken Hill - 417km
  • Dagur 14 - Broken Hill
  • Dagur 15 - Broken Hill til Trangie - 677km
  • Dagur 16 - Trangie til Sydney - 459km
Eins og sjá má, þá verðum við á ferðinni í 16 daga. Við komum aftur til Sydney Sunnudagin 20 Júlí. Við keyrum samkvæmt þessu 6,095km í það heila. Við förum inn á svæði á leiðinni sem eingöngu eru fær jeppum. Við komum til með að tjalda flestar nætur. Við gistum á neðanjarðar móteli í Coober Pedy, sem er gömul náma. Við förum öll þrjú, nema hvað kötturin og fuglarnir verða heima að gæta hússins. Þetta er einn mesti tími ársins að fara á þessa staði þar sem hitin er ekki nema um 20 stig á dagin og fer niður í 3-5 stig á næturnar. Einnig er minnst um flugur, en við þurfum samt sem áður að taka með okkur flugnanet. Lagt verður af stað núna í fyrramálið klukkan 7 á laugardags morgni. Jeppinn svo troðin að ekki er hægt að koma meiru í hann. Jæja, við uppfærum þetta þegar við komum aftur heim og skellum upp nokkrum myndum. Ef ég get, þá sendi ég littlar uppfærslur frá farsímanum mínum með mynd. Ég verð latur með texta, því það er svo erfitt að slá hann inn á þessa litlu síma.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Heimsokn fra Islandi

Vid fengum ovaenta heimsokn a sunnudegi fyrir rumri viku. A ferdinni voru Bergthora og madur hennar Thorsteinn fra islandi. Vid Bergthora unnum saman lengi vel hja IBM a Islandi. Thorstein var a radstefnu i Brisbane. Thau stoppudu orstutt i Sydney thannig ad vid nadum at bjoda theim i kaffi og med thvi nidri Darling Harbour. Frabaert ad fa folk i sunnudags kaffi alla leid fra islandi.