Monday 1 October 2012

29 – 30 September

Well, it certainly rained all night!.  Thankfully we were in the motel, so our camping stuff did not get wet.  Kylie was pretty bored.  She went and put up the “Do Not Disturb” sign, which then removed!  She read a book in bed, watched the TV and eventually had  a glass of wine in the evening and caught up on the blog. 
This rain seems to have brought with it a series of bad luck.  It started in the morning, just after 10am, checkout time at the motel.  The reception called and icily asked when we would be checking out.  Upon arrival the previous night I had asked for two nights and thought that I had paid for it.  I went to the reception and the receptionist from the previous evening apologized for missing out the second night, so we sorted that out.
Later in the morning, we decided get some breakfast.  We walked from the Motel to the Yeperenye Shopping Centre.  In there we found a Café and had our brunch.  We then realized that we were low on cash, so we found a Westpac ATM in the shopping centre.  Sibba went first to get some money out.  After putting in her card, pin and entering the amount, the ATM began its processing!.  Then nothing happened, until it suddenly displayed a message saying something along the lines of “A Timeout has occurred.  Your card has been retained!”  Then it simply made itself ready for another customer.  Sibba didn't get her card back from the machine!  She wasn't happy or impressed.  The ATM had a phone number to call for any ATM issues, so I phoned the number.  It wasn't easy getting through as the assumption is that the caller is a Westpac Customer, but eventually we got a help desk operator on the line.  After explaining the situation the operator advised that there was nothing that could be done by Westpac.  This ATM was managed by Armaguard and they would simply shred the card.  Sibba would have to contact her bank to get a new one.  She did apologize on behalf of Westpac, but there was nothing to be done!  
This is strange!  I've had a similar problem once with a St.George ATM, where the transaction timed out.  The ATM simply returned the card and issued a printed slip with a message saying it had a problem.

We then called the St.George help desk.  The first call got through, but half way through the conversation, the line disconnected.  The second attempt was more successful, the help desk operator spoke with Sibba and initially asked if she needed money there and then!  As I was there, plus Sibba also has a Credit card, that wasn't a pressing issue.  She then proceeded to give Sibba a couple of options i.e. go to the BankSA branch here in Alice Springs on Monday and have them sort it out.  They could either give her a new Freedom card and link it to her account, or add this account to the Visa card as a savings account.  We will go to the branch Monday morning and see what they can do!
I wasn't game enough to use my card in the Westpac ATM, so we walked across to the other shopping centre where the BankSA branch is located.  It has a BankSA ATM in the Todd Mall.  Unfortunately it was completely dead!  Thus in the end I had to withdraw some cash from a credit union ATM and pay the other bank fees.
After having coffee we headed back to the hotel in the afternoon.  Sibba pulled up the Motel room card and swiped the door.  It just buzzed and a red light blinked.  After a couple of attempts it was clear that we had been locked out of our room!
I went to the reception and had it sorted.  It turned out that when they processed the second night earlier in the morning, it hadn't been added to the card system!
Back in our room, I spent the time updating the blog.  Thankfully we didn't have any more issues this day.

This morning (30th September) we woke up late and had to rush to get all our things out of the room and into the car before the dreaded cleaning crew turned up!  We then drove from the motel and parked close to the shopping centres.  As we walked from the car, we were suddenly surrounded by a bikie gang!  As it turned out, they were on a quest and needed to have a group photo with tourists.  We of course obliged!! 
We then tried to find a place to get some breakfast, however could not find anything other than Gloria Jeans open.  It’s a Sunday, so perhaps that is the reason most of the places are closed.  After brekkie we went to Todd Mall to browse through the Sunday markets that were on this morning.  From there we headed to the Anzac Hill, which provides a view over the City.  After that it was time to head for the Caravan park and check in!
Once we arrived there, the lady at the reception could not find my bookings!  After some time, she simply gave us a site and took my word that I had already pre-paid for two nights.  After setting up camp, I was attending to minor issues with the car, while Sibba was reading.
Suddenly this big truck arrived with a Toyota 4WD Prado on the back.  The truck had these big signs written all over it, “Outback Recovery Services”.  Obviously something had gone wrong for this family!

Later on I went to the reception and found the lady I had spoken to on the phone when making our bookings.  She did remember that and is going to sort it out in their system.

As I sit here writing this, I hear sirens and they are coming this way!!   (Pause)

Well, what an end to the day.  Not only did the police arrive, but a large Fire truck drove into the caravan park and guess what?, they parked in the empty space next to our tent!  Then, four burly firemen ran out with the Caravan Park manager just catching up and going with them into the rear section of the park.  Initially we had no idea what was happening!  There was no fire or smoke visible.  Only Sibba cooking our evening meal!! When the firemen returned, Sibba asked one of them if all was OK!  He replied as he disappeared into the big fire truck “Everything is fine, it was just a minor mishap!” 

We will have to find out what occurred later on!

I just hope this run of bad luck and strange occurrences will end asap!!

A very gloomy morning after heavy rains overnight in Alice Springs.

Kylie wanted to put up a privacy sign!

Kylie was so bored she ended up reading a book!

Kylie watching the TV.

Kylie checking on the Blog.

The Westpac ATM that took Sibbas card.  Sibba wasn't impressed!

I wasn't impressed, the only BankSA ATM dead!

View from Anzac Hill, over Alice Springs

View from Anzac Hill over Alice Springs.

The Firetruck parked next to our tent, but Sibba just kept on cooking!

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